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About Prison Island

Becoming a franchisee of Prison Island is becoming a part of fast-growing team-gaming indoor entertainment and adventure chain. What once started in an old factory in Västerås is now heading for 200+ sites in Europe and beyond. Let’s grow a business together!

It all started in an old factory 2004 in Västerås, Sweden as ArosFortet. The first franchisees hooked up 2006 and it all took off. Today, Prison Island is a leading international team-gaming indoor entertainment and adventure chain. We provide real life gaming experiences based on team collaboration, social interaction and skills deployment for families and companies to hardcore gamers of all ages and genders. Heading for the world. 

The team​

Prison Island HQ consists of hard-working, super committed team-members. We use our long experience and in-depth knowledge to serve our franchise owners in every possible way. We work hard to build a sustainable business success for the franchise system and for all our franchisees.

The reasons why Prison Island is a great idea!​

There are a vast number of reasons to why Prison Island is a great idea! By joining Prison Islands franchise system, you are well equipped for a business success for years to come. Here are eighteen of the advantages you get with our franchise model:

1. Unique product

You will be able to offer a totally exclusive adventure to your customers. Prison Island has a completely unique design, technology, and business concept. There are very few, if any, activities that have even remote similarities to Prison Island in the world.

2. Proven, and enduring concept

Prison Island is extremely well proven and tested for many, many years and in a vast number of countries. The visitor numbers are increasing by the year. Only one site has ever closed operation, and that was due to the Corona crisis. Prison Island has:

  • >20 years of operation
  • 84 sites in 18 countries
  • 6.1 million visitors from all over the world.

3. Safe Investment

There is always some type of risk attached to investments, but we are confident that Prison Island is a safe choice. We will take responsibility for a big part of the construction work to a fixed price. Therefore, your risk with respect to cost and schedule is low.

We also continuously improve our experience in the construction and startup of a new Prison Island. Each day we enhance and streamline our capabilities. You will benefit from the experience of the startup of all previous Prison Islands. Both those already in operation as well as those under construction. We will of course also assist you in your site selection and support you with experienced staff in place for start-up and first operation.

4. Proven profitability

We are very proud of that all franchisees to Prison Island are profitable. There are several clear examples of how the introduction of Prison Island has turned around a poor performance to very profitable businesses. A proof of the value of Prison Island is that all franchisees have chosen to continue to make new investments and expand the original Prison Island establishment.

Prison Island has proven to be successful in various conditions. 18 different countries, small cities – big cities, stand-alone and together with other activity etc etc

5. Exclusivity in your region

When you become a franchisee, you will get an exclusivity in a particular geographic area and are guaranteed a unique, long-term safe and stable business deal.

6. Perfect match to your existing business

Prison Island is a fantastic combination together with other activities. You get shared cost of staff and common areas (restaurant, reception etc) and in addition you will get a good upsell of your present activity and restaurant. No guests leave a Prison Island without having some refreshments!!

7. Significant growth

We are currently in a significant expansion mode. Our target is to open at least 200 new Prison Islands worldwide. We have 84 sites in operation and already firm contracts for 25 additional sites in the near future. We have four skilled implementation teams and with each new site, we get more experience that you will benefit from. The opportunity to open a new Prison Island could not be better!

8. Fast growing industry

The leisure market has never been as hot, and it is expected to grow even further all over the world. Specially the segment of Indoor Entertainment Centers. The trend is to look for more adventures in the neighborhood. People want to make shorter travel that saves time and money and also make room for more experiences. Another trend, is that we demand more and more of the content of the experience regardless of where we live.

Several market institutes and other analytical groups give consistent conclusions – The indoor entertainment market will more than double in the next five years. To establish yourself in this segment is absolutely the right thing to do.

9. Low staffing demand

Prison Island only require a few staff to operate the total site. Manpower basically is only needed for reception and registration. There is no need for a direct “host” or supervision. Once the customer has checked in, everything is automatically supervised.

10. Easy to operate

Prison Island is very easy to operate. All is handled from the reception computer where you register teams. Then let the guest view the briefing video, and that’s it!

Maintenance and cleaning are of course required occasionally, but maintenance costs are almost neglectable.

11. Most advanced high-tech platform on the market

The Prison Island platform is the most advanced available technical solution today. All is in-house development and ensure you will have a unique advantage compared to the rest. We can support you instantly through a direct link to your server. Our skilled service teams will also visit your site for support and review regularly.

12. Continuous quick development and strong support

Within the Prison Island family, you will have the most advanced high-tech solution on the market. We have a strong R&D focus and continuously follow and include the latest available technology in the Prison Island concept. Development is constantly going on. Prison Island sites constructed today have already some significantly enhanced functionality and technical development compared to just 1-2 years ago.

We develop 3-5 new cells each year and also continuously produce new videos and other marketing material.

13. Robust and versatile cells

The Prison Island cells have been developed, tested and improved over 20 years and in more than 84 sites. This ensures that you will get good, robust cells that require minimum of maintenance.

14. High retention rate of customers

The visiting teams at Prison Island will get scores for each cell and a total score. There are high score lists for each day, month and year. The teams can compare their results with other teams and with last visit. This significantly promote return visits.

15. Attracts a wide range of customers

Basically, everybody enjoys Prison Island. There are all types of groups coming. Companies, bachelor parties, birthday parties, school classes, athlete clubs, families, friends, and so on.

Visitors from all ages are come to Prison Island. From 9-10 years of age up to 100, and even younger children together with parents.

The customers are equal in gender. As many boys as girls!

16. The perfect teambuilding attraction

Since you must work in teams to solve the cells, Prison Island strongly promote teamwork. This is an incredibly positive message to all larger groups such as companies, schools and similar.

17. A happy family

The Prison Island franchisees is a great group to be part of. There is a huge experience and knowledge base within the group. No one have ever left the franchise group. We all meet together in regular conferences to share best practices.

16 franchisees have ordered 2 or more sites and 7 franchisees have ordered 3 or more sites.

18. A lot of fun!

After a hectic construction period you can proudly open your brand new Prison Island site and call yourself a Real Prison Islander, with many exiting and fun years to come! Basically all that visit Prison Island leaves the site with a smile. It’s a wonderful environment to make your business in.

5 important things to consider before you comply

At Prison Island, we employ a custom, holistic approach that empowers you as a franchisee to impact development, marketing, customers, and strategy decisions at every stage of an offering’s life cycle. From concept incubation through post-release and in daily operation. Here are some of the many things to consider when you decide to open a Prison Island franchise: 

1. Start

We have followed 84 new Prison Islands from rough idea to start-up and operation. With more than 20 years of experience we are not only ready, but more than happy to offer support and advice in the process to full operation.

2. Marketing

As a Prison Island franchisee, you have access to our Media Center where we continuously upload new digital material to be used for commercial and marketing purposes. We develop videos, photos, adds and other templates.

You have also access to professional communication expertise that can support you if you have special needs.

Of course, you will also be part of the advanced and modern Prison Island web.

3. Service and support

Our IT team will have constant connection to your server and cells and can support you online with updates, changes and trouble shooting.

At least once a year a service team will visit your site and make a review and check of all cells.

4. Development

We have a full headquarter dedicated to continuous development of the Prison Island concept. This is valid for all areas:

  • The IT system and supervision is constantly upgraded with new functions.
  • Every year there will be 3-5 new cell design launched.
  • Adjacent products are also included, such as reservation system etc
  • Furthermore, you will have access to the strength, ideas, and new development in an international chain with 70+ sites.

5. Upgrades

With the development of new cells and technology, there will always be possibilities for upgrades and brand-new experiences to constantly attract your end customer to come back over, and over again.

How to become a franchise partner and a true Prison Islander!

Familiarize with the concept

Request and review general information about the concept. A particularly good suggestion is to visit one or several other sites to get a better understanding of the game and the operation. If possible, we will meet you at one of our sites!

Business plan

Develop a business plan based on your local conditions. As far as possible try to get quotes and estimates about lease costs and base construction. We are happy to support you with our experiences about costs and revenues. 

Financing and premises

The two most critical parts are the financing and premises. Most likely you want to have support from a bank, investor, or some other financial institute. And of course, you want to have an attractive central location to a good lease. With your Business Plan as a tool you should contact banks and property owners and make sure you will be able to gather the investment needed for the full project as well as get lease proposals for good premises.

Request pre-contractual information

When you are getting to a position where Prison Island is starting to become reality you should request Pre-Contractual Information from us. This gives you more legal details about our company and most important it will also grant you a time limited exclusivity to be able to negotiate and sign a Franchise Agreement with us. At the same time, you should indicate your most likely construction time and make sure we have capacity to support you when you want.

Sign agreements and apply for potential permits

When you are convinced about the business and have all the details sorted out the real work starts! Sign agreements with us, with the property owner and with other suppliers for base construction. If a construction permit or similar is needed, try to get the property owner responsible for that. If that is not possible you should apply asap yourself.


When all potential permits are in place, the construction starts. As soon as you have the rooms and walls ready for the coming cells, we will come with a team of 10-15 persons and install all the cells. This takes 8-10 weeks.


After some hectic week you can proudly open your brand-new Prison Island site and call yourself a Real Prison Islander, with many exiting and fun years to come!


Are you interested? Please contact us for more information.